Happy Halloween!
I realize that nothing in this post is Halloween related but...well...sorry. I'm in that awkward stage where I don't go to Halloween stuff anymore (too old/don't do parties) and I don't have kids yet. So Halloween means very little to me currently.
Speaking about spooky events: Hurricane Sandy.
I know it devastated many people and caused a lot of damage. I am so very sad for everyone affected.
But, as for me, personally? Apparently where we live is like a great spot to be in a hurricane. That is the conclusion I've come to after Irene and now Sandy. We live in Astoria and it was rainy and windy but...that was it. Our power stayed on, nothing was damaged. There were just a lot of leaves and tiny broken branches. The end. Oh yeah...and the subways are messed up (that actually really sucks). We were very fortunate and I appreciate all of your kind thoughts and concerns :) You're the best and I love you! And I hope all of you were as lucky as us, and if not I pray that you're able to recover quickly!
On to happier thoughts! TORTILLA CHIPS! This is barely a recipe you guys. They're like...stupidly simple. Like...anyone can do this. Anyone. If you wanna be fancy (like moi) you can make your own tortillas for these, but you could totally just buy tortillas to be super simple. Ridiculously addictive. Michael used this for salsa, I used em for guacamole. Good times :)
Homemade Baked Tortilla Chips
Adapted slightly from Part Time Housewife
- 4 flour tortillas (any variety, store bought or homemade)
- Garlic powder/other seasonings
- Line a baking sheet with foil. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
- Spray both sides of each tortillas lightly with cooking spray. Slice into triangular pieces with a pizza cutter.
- Spread the tortilla pieces on the sheet and season to taste.
- Bake 5-8 minutes until golden brown and crisp.
- Remove and cool on a wire rack.
Good Day Chippy!